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Farsite – Game Review – Play Games

“Farsite” is a massively multiplayer online game that utilizes non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and is built on decentralized finance (DeFi) principles.

In “Farsite,” players can construct a base on a virtual planet and hunt for unique NFTs. They also have the freedom to create various technologies, such as ships, within the game’s open economy, where players can take on virtual jobs. The game is set to debut on the Ethereum 2.0 platform, which is currently in its early stages of development.

Players in “Farsite” can choose from a range of roles to contribute to the game’s interplanetary economy.

Player Roles in Farsite

In “Farsite,” players can play as haulers, transporting goods between space stations for profit. They can also gather resources, create tools and items, and participate in star governance, mercenary work, piracy, politics, and trade. Players can establish a base on a virtual planet to search for valuable materials to craft powerful ships and modules. They can then sell these items on the open market and engage in battles to acquire loot and achieve dominance in the game’s constellation.

Farsite” does not provide any in-game assets, so players will have to start from scratch and create everything themselves. The game is intended to run on the Ethereum 2.0 platform.

Farsite Token

cNFTs, which are ERC-721 tokens with locked ERC-20 tokens as collateral, are the items generated by players, such as Ships. They can be sold between players on the platform and NFT markets like OpenSea to generate Credits in-game.

Players must either mine asteroids and planets in the game or purchase resources from other players in order to produce any in-game assets.

Farsite is a decentralized platform. Everything in the game is under the authority of the player, including the economy, stars, planets, and various corporations. They can play as almost anyone they want in the game and earn money while doing so.

A lot about the game is still to be seen since the major developments of the game will take place in July, for now, this is all we know.


Now watch the video game review of Farsite:




Farsite on Youtube

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Best Game Review – Farsite

Farsite is a massively NFT multiplayer online game driven by decentralized finance economics. The game allows players to build a base on a planet.

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