Cyberpunk Game Review.
Let’s talks about the much-hyped potential game of the decade today, Cyberpunk 2077 of CD Projekt Red. A game review!
Cyberpunk is a new open-world RPG by CD Projekt Red that takes place in an 80s inspired version of a dystopian future. In this game, you play as a mercenary who gets caught up in a game of high-stakes survival inside the dark and crime-ridden streets of Night City.
One thing is for sure that this game is not for the impatient as Cyberpunk 2077 is slow to start asking players to go through a multi-hour prologue filled with a plethora of dialogues, character building, and unhurried introductions. The game will require you to listen, follow, and walk more than play, the things are more on the movie side. There are unskippable chit chats in the game but the good thing is that the voice acting in the game is top tier which captures your attention all the while.
CD Projekt Red absolutely nails the setting in Night City, you get to experience the magnificent realization of the game’s concept. The environment is awesome and you can spend hours just cruising on the streets, listening to tunes, and get the feeling that you are truly there. Night City setting is one of the best settings and places that one can experience in gaming.
However, Cyberpunk seems a bit less narrative-driven as there is too much predictability in the storyline. As for the combat mechanics, it is relatively good for the most part and allows the player multiple approaches to many of the game scenarios; stealth, hack, melee, and gun blazing.
The quests in Cyberpunk are pretty interesting, but mostly are linear in nature following a pattern set by Red Dead Redemption 2; where you either succeed or fail.
Cyberpunk is a pretty good game and worth playing, but it is surely not the game of the decade, it has plenty of missed opportunities; the AI, features nonavailability outside main quest, crafting system, bugs, frame-drops. It seems that all the hard work was done in making the complex storyline, fantastic character performances.
I still believe that Cyberpunk 2077 got released a bit too early, it needed at least 6 more months in the development but it is still quite enjoyable but won’t be long lasting. More updates will follow in our gaming news section.

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