COD Warzone Cheating Worsens with Recent Update.
Call of Duty has had a severe challenge of cheating which makes the game all more unplayable and unpleasant. Activision promises to curb cheating but hasn’t done more than just banning players’ accounts. However, the bad news here is that with the recent COD Warzone update, the cheating problem has gotten even worse.

COD Warzone Unplayable Through Cheating – Best Video Gaming News 24/7
Players are now running into cheaters, hackers, and exploiters even more after the June 3 update. However, it isn’t clear as of now that the update itself has done anything to make cheating more viable. The main objective behind the update was the closure of the 80s action hero theme and closing the Nakatomi Plaza vault. There were other secondary changes as well which included minor bug fixes and some changes related to weapons. However, the fans noted that there was a clear difference before and after the update when it came to cheaters. Players have taken to social media and said that they are encountering cheaters in every single game.
One such player, who is also a regular streamer of the game on Twitch, shared his experience after the update. He goes by the name GFUEL DRAKO on Twitter and he wrote that in game one he had to deal with stream snipers. In the following three games Drakota lost to cheaters. Controlling his anger and being sarcastic, Drakota said that COD Warzone is “in a great spot.” The frustration is evident.
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COD Warzone Unplayable Through Cheating – Best Video Gaming News 24/7
Drakota is only one such example, there are thousands of players that had to deal with the menace of cheating in the COD Warzone. This leads to frustration and more and more good COD players are leaving the game. Activision needs to come up with an anti-cheat program that would stop cheaters from entering the lobby. Banning thousands of accounts with recurring ban waves isn’t yielding any results.
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