Twitch Takes Two Hate Raiders, Cruzz Control and CreatineOverdose, To Court.
After bearing hate raids for a long time, Twitch has finally decided to take the matter to court. The streaming platform took two alleged hate raiders who are involved in continuous hate speech, homophobic, racist, and transphobic campaigns.

Twitch takes Cruzz Control and CreatineOverdose To Court – Gaming News
The lawsuit was filed in US Federal Court which names two defendants, Cruzz Control and CreatineOverdose. Twitch alleges that both these persons are involved in “hate raids” against the marginalized streamers of the platform. The streaming platform has been dealing with “hate raids” since the beginning of August.
The suit reads, “CruzzControl is responsible for nearly 3,000 bot accounts associated with hate raids. Bots developed and deployed by CruzzControl have been linked to various hate raid events, including those targeting black and LGBTQIA+ streamers with racist, homophobic, sexist, and other harassing content.
CruzzControl has admitted to using bots to flood the streaming platform channels with harassing content. They have also demonstrated how the bots work so others can use similar methods to accomplish hate raids. Twitch has also linked CreatineOverdose directly to hate raids.
For example, on August 15th, 2021, Defendant CreatineOverdose used their bot software to demonstrate how it could be used to spam the streaming platform channels with racial slurs, graphic descriptions of violence against minorities, and claims that the hate raiders are the “K K K.”
The suit does not specify original names of both defendants and instead use their screen name. CreatineOverdose was involved in the earliest hate raid campaigns and was identified by fellow streamers. Moreover, CreatineOverdose has also admitted in one of a Twitch chat to be a perpetrator.
Hate raids occur when certain malicious users weaponize bots and the raid feature to spam streamers chat with obscene and racist messages. These spam hate raids are targeted against the marginalized group especially Brown, Black, trans, and queer community.

Twitch Takes Two Hate Raiders To Court – Gaming News
The incidents of hate raids exponentially grew on the platform as of lately. Many streamers and viewers raised voice against the act and arranged protest such as A Day Off Twitch. The law suit against the hate raiders is being viewed as a positive development in controlling hate raids.

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