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Titan Hunters Game

Titan Hunters is an addictive Play to Earn game with fun and colorful graphics on WEB3 based on BSC blockchain technology. The creators of the game have compared it with Minecraft and Diablo based on the visuals. So, the game follows the story of Titan Hunters who roam around the planet in search of fictional cute pets called the Titans. Moreover, these NFT pets can be used to participate in PvE battles or you can team up with other players to form a hunting guild to fight the big and vicious Titans.

Titan Hunters Gameplay

The game has two basic play modes – the adventure mode and the co-op mode. In the adventure mode, players can look at the map to find Titans which they can locate and hunt. The map is divided into various regions with different types of monsters having different kinds of abilities and rewards. Additionally, the players can opt for the kind of adventure and loot they are looking for in the hunting trip. The second mode is the co-op mode where you can team up with three more players to fight the boss Titan in the arena.

However, in the co-op mode, the risks are higher but so are the rewards. The loot is necessary for the Titan Hunters to upgrade their characters in order to fight bigger and more valuable Titan monsters. Besides, the players can upgrade their avatars by changing the gear and equipment. The upgradeable gear includes six categories – hat, armor, gloves, backpack, face, and boots. These upgrades are not merely cosmetic and they contribute to the strengths of the avatar of the Hunters.


The NFT Titans are tradeable in the marketplace. The game uses two tokens, namely $TITA and $TCOIN. $TITA is the governance token of the game and it is in finite supply that can be used to buy NFTs in the marketplace. $TITA is earned through participating in hunting and they can be staked for additional profits. $TCOIN is used for transactions within the game and other upgrades, however, it has unlimited supply and therefore lesser value than the $TITA coin.

Check Out Titan Hunters Season 2 Promo