Resident Evil 4 VR in 2021.
An exciting year for Resident Evil fans as we have Resident Evil Village launch as well as RE 4 re-launch. The fan-favorite Resident Evil 4 is having a VR remake and is slated to launch later this year. Check out the trailer.

Resident Evil 4 VR Is Coming!
Capcom & Oculus
As the remake is in Virtual Reality, the game will exclusively launch on Facebook’s Oculus Quest 2 headset. Facebook Reality Labs has offered some more insights into the project of VR remake of RE 4. The first trailer of the remake that Capcom launched earlier showed us that it is a first-person adaptation of the original 2005 third-person game. However, with the first person there are improved motion controls movement and combat. This improvement is more in line with Oculus Touch motion controllers.
The in-game content of the original RE 4 will remain the same. The game will use original animations and levels but with improved, revamped, and remastered textures. Oculus further adds that the cutscenes “will be rendered in the original format.” The remake will be more user-friendly as Armature Studio has added locomotion options. This will let players teleport or walk around in a room-scale environment.
[novashare_tweet tweet=”An exciting year for Resident Evil fans as we have Resident Evil Village launch as well as RE 4 re-launch. The fan-favorite Resident Evil 4 is having a VR remake and is slated to launch later this year.” cta_text=”Capcom Bings Resident Evil To VR” hide_hashtags=”true”]
Resident Evil Village will launch on May 7th 2021 – Best Video Gaming News 2021 – Resident Evil 4 VR
Resident Evil 4 VR is a part of a plan that includes upcoming VR games to push VR up a notch. Another game scheduled for a release this summer in VR is a sequel to the original Oculus Rift game Lone Echo. Besides RE 4, another horror game Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife is also scheduled to launch in VR this week.
Previously, Capcom also launched RE 7 in PSVR but RE 4 is the first all in all full-length Resident Evil game designed specifically for VR. Let’s see if Resident Evil fans like the VR version of RE 4. And if the response is welcoming then will we see more VR treatment of RE games in the future?

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