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Iron Pigeons Game

Iron Pigeons: The famous game developers Ex Populus have collaborated with the celebrated World Boxing Champion Mike Tyson to release 10,000 unique NFTs of pigeons in iron design.

These iron pigeons will be featured in the Iron Pigeon card game by Ex Populus based on the Solana blockchain technology. Each Iron Pigeon will have a different set and combinations of traits which will decide how rare or common a card is in the game economy.

The different traits include 12 backgrounds, 9 beaks, 37 bodies, 66 costumes, 4 details, and 20 eyes. The rarity of the card will decide its value in the marketplace and its power in the card game dynamics. Each card will become a part of the ever-expanding IP metaverse.

The cards will be randomly generated from an algorithm comprising of a set of traits and designs created by award-winning and famed artists. The weblink attached to each pigeon design will include a high-resolution image of the game design and a trading card. Like any other card game, the Iron Pigeon character cards will be traded off and pitched with each other for a card battle.

Based on the various factors and features, the strength of the card will be determined. The XPTCG is the card game being developed by the Ex Populus studio where these Iron Pigeons will be featured and it will become a major contender in the Web3 universe.

The game will release in the third quarter of 2022.

Check out the official trailer of Iron Pigeons